Fate/Grand Order is a JRPG framed within the popular visual novel reincarnated via some fairly competent franchising initiated by Fate/Stay Night. Rewind to 2015 where...
794.3 k downloads
The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is an excellent RPG that lets you experience the original story of the popular manga created by Nakaba Suzuki...
378.2 k downloads
Sword Art Online: Unleash Blading is an RPG based on the third season of the popular anime Sword Art Online (SAO). This turn-based RPG has...
185.6 k downloads
Granblue Fantasy is an Android RPG that, despite being launched in 2014, is still being played thanks to having revolutionized the mobile RPG sphere with...
107 k downloads
DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY OPERA OMNIA is a turn based RPG in which you can control some of the most famous characters from the popular Final...
77.3 k downloads
takt op. Symphony is an entertaining symphonic RPG game that aims to restore harmony to the world through music. The main characters are girls called...
5.1 k downloads
Lord of Heroes is a role-playing game that turns you into the monarch of a kingdom in danger due to the conspiracies of his allies...
40.1 k downloads
Iruna Online is a Japanese MMORPG with millions of users in its country of origin thanks to an open gameplay that resembles the JPRGs from...
66.3 k downloads
Shin Megami Tensei Liberation Dx2 is a role-playing game that belongs to the Shin Megami Tensei franchise (also known as Megaten), developed exclusively for smartphones...
46.8 k downloads
The Alchemist Code is a JRPG with a turn-based combat system where you immerse yourself in a fantasy world dominated by The Alchemy, an arcane...
50.8 k downloads